The school firmly believes in discipline. Slackness, disobedience and disregard of rules will not be tolerated. Any action likely to lower the image of the school is regarded as breach of the school discipline. The school reserves the right to expel students whose diligence or progress in studies is considered unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students. Immorality, insubordination or contempt of authority is sufficient reason for immediate expulsion from the school.
In such cases, it is the parents' duty to counsel their children so that the students do not indulge in indisciplinary act. Please note the following:
1. Parents are not allowed to enter the classrooms.
2. They are required to inform the school if there is
any change in their address/telephone numbers.
3. Leave for half-a-day should not be asked (for
security reasons). In emergency, written
permission must be taken from the Principal and
Class Teacher.
4. Children, when sick, should not be sent to
school to attend tests/classes.
5. Should there be any legitimate complaint, please see the Principal at once or write a separate letter addressed to him/her. He/She will look into these matters personally.
6. Any communication made by the parents/ guardians should be addressed to the Principal and not to the Class Teacher.
7. If a Report Card is lost , replacement will be made only after payment of Rs. 20/-. It is compulsory for the parents to collect the Report Card of their ward on the day of distribution.
8. Students are not allowed to bring Mobile
Phones to school. The mobile set would be
confiscated if any student is found with the
9. The name, registration no., class and section of the pupil should be clearly written on the belongings .
10. Parents are required to co-operate with the
school in its attempt to help their children's
progress by paying attention to their regularity
punctuality and discipline and by taking interest
in their children's work. They should check the
diary every day and note the homework and
other instructions given. In case of small
children they are advised to check the bags
of their wards to see if any notice/invitation
etc, has been issued.
11. Late comers will be sent back home after 3 warnings issued on the Record Sheet in the diary.
12. Care must be taken of all school property and
any damage done will be made good by the
concerned student with a fine imposed for the
13. Bringing Valuable articles like cellphones expensive watches, fountain pens, transistor Walkman’s, calculators and jewellery to school is not allowed. In case of any loss of Valuables
Or other articles, while the authorities will t y their best to trace them, they shall not undertake any responsibility for the loss.
14. Irregular attendance, truancy, habitual idleness,
Disobedience or conduct injurious to the moral tone of the school are sufficient reasons for dismissal of a pupil.
15. A student is liable for dismissal for the
activities undertaken by the parent/guardian
that are in any way harmful to the interest of
the school.
16. Parents should send leave notes (please see
regularity record) if their children are absent from
17. It is the foremost duty of the parents to send their
children to school in proper uniform, washed &
ironed properly, with polished shoes & clean
18. If the school fees are not paid by the 12th of each month, a late fee of Rs. 20/- per student per month will be imposed. Subsequent failure to pay the fees in the 3rd month will result in debarring the student from the class, until fees are paid along with the re-admission fee of Rs. 100/- together with the late fee of Rs. 20/- for each defaulting month.
19. Parents should not send their children in vans or
auto which are crowded or run on LPG.
20.Students involving in fights inside or outside the school will be suspended for 3 days. If the same is repeated they will be issued a T.C.
Quote of the day
Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.